Platform for the Analysis of Consolidated Data for a Financial Institution


This job was delivered on behalf of a prominent financial institution, known for its innovative banking solutions and a substantial customer base spanning multiple countries. The client offers services such as personal banking, corporate finance, investment banking, and wealth management. 

The bank faced challenges in adapting to the digital banking landscape due to rising fintech competition, increasing customer expectations for personalized services, and the need for robust digital security measures. Additionally, managing customer data across various channels and leveraging it for strategic decision-making was a significant hurdle.


Finance & Banking


1 / Customer segmentation. Effectively using data to segment customers for targeted cross-selling and up-selling.

2 / Optimizing channels for clients. Understanding and optimizing customer interactions across diverse channels.

3 / Customer loyalty. Ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty in a competitive market.


1/ Successfully conduct customer behavior analysis

2/ Use data-driven strategies to improve customer satisfaction and trust

3/ Predict customer departures and create targeted marketing campaigns.


1/ A significant 20% increase in customer loyalty scores, as well as an improvement of 10 points in the Net Promoter Score (NPS). These results stemmed from the analysis and segmentation of the client base.

2/ A 20% increase in customer usage of web and mobile banking channels, achieved through the analysis of the elimination of user barriers.

3/ Development of a model reflecting the common traits of the most profitable customers from past years, so the bank could focus special retention programs on them, enhancing customer value.

4/ Segmentation and development of “customer profiles”. 

These profiles identified groups of customers with preferences for certain banking services, allowing for targeted and efficient advertising and marketing activities.

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