Development of a User Interface for the Core System of the Largest African Bank


The Customer uses its hand-crafting mainframe-powered system as a banking core system. It conducts transactions and administers accounts. This is an obsolete system that is difficult to add new products to, and changes related to the regulatory requirements cannot be implemented quickly. The bank decided to switch to SAP Banking Services, but not to use SAP UI, because it has its own requirements for validation and integration with other systems.

Business Challenge

Develop a SAP CRM user interface that would allow the bank to create and maintain accounts, generate reports, and introduce new products.


Data residing in older systems is migrated to SAP CRM. At the same time, client accounts must be maintained continuously, therefore, more strict requirements are imposed on the work of the team in matters of system stability and customer service.

As part of the project, it was possible to switch the management of clients and accounts to more advanced technologies, speed up business processes, reduce the time for creating accounts and improve customer service.


Every day, 30,000 users operate the system, 2,000,000 financial transactions are conducted. Account opening time reduced from 28 to 12 minutes.

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